Become a member

Our membership allows you to discover new career opportunities and network with leaders in the Calgary product community. You also get access to a support group who can help you in your career. As an employer, you can find the right employee for your product and growth stage more effectively through Product Calgary than on LinkedIn.

  • Get discounted prices on event tickets

  • Access our exclusive slack community

  • Get access to members-only networking events

  • Access to our past event recordings

Annual membership purchase

Annual memberships to Product Calgary help support our organization to bring engaging speakers, events and opportunities to our members. Once you purchase a membership, we’ll be in touch with access to our private slack community within 5 business days.

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From our members

“Last month’s event helped me expand my knowledge of personas - I loved connecting with fellow product managers, and learned so much in our discussion afterwards”
Jane Caulfield, Title, Company
Member since 2020
I participated in my first event with Product Calgary this year and I found it inspiring and engaging. There is a sense of community and people with all sorts of backgrounds and experience came to share with the group. For my first time at this event, I felt welcome and connected. What I value most was meeting other product managers, being part of a community of like-minded people, and the topic for the talk was great.
Simona McKee
Member since 2024
Product Calgary has been instrumental in growing the influence of product management within the tech ecosystem. I joined in 2018 as part of my journey through the first APM Cohort. Thanks to Product Calgary, I have grown my network exponentially and gotten valuable insights from product leaders all over North America!
Vibhu Mahajan
Member since 2018
I joined Product Calgary in 2019 with no expectations and an open mind as I wanted to learn more about product management. What surprised me most was how welcoming people were at their events and how it was a great way to meet product managers while learning about the field. Product Calgary gave me experience to build a career in business and technology while growing my network.
Tim McGowan
Member since 2019

Interested in volunteering?

Get in touch to learn more about volunteer opportunities with Product Calgary. We’re always looking for engaged community members to help bring our events and programs to life. 

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